Bamboo Bicycle Club Live Challenge – another great initiative!

The chaps at the Bamboo Bicycle Club in London are demonstrating the power of 3D Printing and bamboo during a Future Bike Live challenge at the Design Museum. Check it out at Kickstarter:

An exciting week!

The Made to Measure exhibition starts this Thursday!  It’s part of the State of Design Festival, featuring 18 hand crafted locally built bikes!  The Panda is one of them, so come on down and check ’em out at the Royal Exhibition Building in Carlton. Entry is $10 and open to public on Saturday and Sunday from 10am-5pm (Thurs and Friday are trade days.). More info here.

Bamboo bikes also got a quick write-up to promote the festival in the Moreland Reader that appeared this week. Go us!

Maisie’s also been making tracks. She survived the second race in the Dirty Deeds CX Cyclocross series. Check out some awesome videos and photos of the event.

The Panda is born.

The Panda lives. I built her up today and her owner rode off happily into the sunset! I’d love to show you more photos, but instead I’m just going to tease you with the couple above and hope that you’ll come to the Made to Measure exhibition to see her in the flesh. It’s running July 21-24 and is to be held at the Royal Melbourne Exhibition Building. Think NAHBS, but smaller and all local! Click on the logo below to find out the details. It’s going to be great!